Transition To Transform

Are you ready to let go?

By Pastor Jennifer Moore

It is impossible for us to go through life without being hurt by someone. There will be times when we are wronged. Often in our lives people will hurt us, take advantage, and betray us. People belittle us and elevate themselves and treat us badly....through no fault of our own. We did nothing to deserve it yet we are the victim and yet were treated as we had done wrong. Most times there seems to be no apparent justice the person receives no punishment, does not apologize and suffers no ill consequences for their act.

Dealing with the hurt and causes of emotional pain is one of the greatest problems in the life of many individuals. Many individuals before they are able to move on with their lives, suffer physically, and emotionally or mentally for many years because of what has been ‘done’, ‘said’ or ‘taken’ from them. These factors are sometimes hard to admit although, easy to recognise. Due to the fact that a seed is planted when someone does you wrong, or you perceive that you were wronged. The loss of identity can take root in your heart as the seed has been planted and the plant begins to grow. It exists beneath the surface - invisible to the eye, but very real.

This can result in bitterness and rejection which if not dealt with is one of the most destructive and dangerous of all human emotions that can and will spiritually destroy the individual; taking control of your life. This can rob the individual of peace and joy. It can hurt or destroy relationship within your family; and can even lead to the breakup of your home. It makes peace and harmony impossible. It will defeat you and ruin your life and the lives of those around you. It can lead to the loss of good friendship. Therefore we cannot say we are free and complete until we have dealt with every issue in our lives.

People who have experienced abuse, trauma, or loss need time to sort things out and let God bring them to the place of forgiveness in His time. God’s timing is always the right time for each individual. The act of forgiving others is between us and God. The word “forgive” means to wipe the slate clean, to pardon, to cancel a debt. It is important to remember that forgiveness is not granted because a person deserves to be forgiven. Instead, it is an act of love, mercy, and grace.

Understand that ‘Your belief will determine your action and your action will determine your results, but first you have to believe in yourself know who you are, be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living” and you are a SURVIVOR!

Keep your dreams alive.