Transition To Transform

Meet Pastor JenniFER  Moore

Pastor Jennifer Moore is the founder, visionary and Senior pastor of Armour of Truth Ministries. Armour of Truth is a thriving dynamic community church based in London, United Kingdom.
Moving from the world of business, into the Legal profession; she reminisce that when God called her into ministry she entered kicking and screaming; exclaiming ‘Why me Lord’ however, being obedient she decided to take up the mantel and stepped into her purpose.
She is considered as a woman of God who has an anointing for healing, deliverance and the prophetic ministry - a force to be reckoned with like that of Deborah and Esther.
Her assignment is to liberate the destinies of men/women, under Isaiah 61 mandate; to liberate, deliver and set free individuals from life’s pain and bondages thus bringing holistic healing to the lives of men and women, affording them to walk in total victory in every area of their lives, to fulfil their God given purpose.
An encourager of destiny, her love and passion for God and his people, has enable her to empower, transform lives, raised and release a generation of effective leaders into their purpose.
By identifyIing the gifting of others and allowing the individuals a platform to ‘birth’ and step into their divine calling. No one can come into her presence broken and leave the same.
Through studying Bachelor of Divinity has enabled her teaching to reveal the depths of God’s word. She speaks truth in honesty and love. She is sensitive in the ‘spirit’ knowing when to travail for you, and with you. She feels honoured to be used as a vessel by the Holy Spirit, to clearly demonstrate God’s power.
Due to her unique ministration and accuracy in deliverance Pastor Jennifer has established herself as an international speaker, radio and TV presenter. Ministering in Western and Southern Africa, Caribbean, and United States and the United Kingdom.
There is always a welcoming smile on her face, loving and compassionate; she brings joy and laughter into the lives of those around her. She is a widow, blessed with 4 biological and 3 adopted children.